Friday, October 5, 2012

Psychotic cult that kills other animals

Most beloved organization among so many animal activists, PETA kills other animals, opposes shelters that don’t kill other sentient beings, rarely promotes veganism, supports killings of other animals etc. I named few reasons why I not just oppose PETA, I want to see them gone. They are not animal rights organization, rather than welfarist organization that doesn’t promote animal rights.

It’s not very encouraging to see so many animal activists embrace that psychotic cult and promote their campaigns whose purpose is to promote PETA, to make profits and satisfy their sick urges. Those campaigns are not meant to help other animals. They can claim as long as they want that helping other animals is their goal, reality says otherwise. Progress of animal rights movement cannot happen if organizations like PETA run the show. How can you increase number of vegans if PETA says it’s ok to go vegetarian, in other words it's ok to rape and murder sentient beings for your own pleasure. Is there anything more insane than torturing and killing sentient beings for your own selfish desires? You have no need for animal products for food, clothes, no reason to use other sentient beings. What’s left if take away pleasure, you are left with delusions and insanity as reasons to use other animals.

Let’s go back to the topic. One of the main reasons why I oppose PETA is that they kill other healthy animals (they call it euthanasia, but it's murder) and defend it by saying they are no bad homes in heaven. They use delusions to make their case. They couldn’t go further from reality if they wanted.

PETA takes in thousands of cats, dogs, sometimes other animals for purpose of adoption and most of them end up killed by PETA, "lucky" ones are taken to kill shelters, because they oppose not killing other animals. Healthy other animals are killed. You would think that organizations that claims to be an animal rights be for fundamental right of a sentient being, right to live. Without that right other rights are meaningless. But no, PETA loves to kill other sentient beings. They even say it out loud ʺwe do not advocate 'right to life' for animalsʺ ~ Ingrid Newkirk.  Another quote from psychopath in chief "I'd go to work early, before anyone got there, and I would just kill the animals myself...I must have killed a thousand of them, sometimes dozens every day."

What animal advocates do, they express their support for PETA, therefore supporting killing and torturing other animals. PETA supporter have blood on their hands. Some of the defense of PETA is idiotic. It goes like they done so much for animals and what have you done lately. Nothing much, promoted unequivocally veganism and adoption but I haven’t taken other animals and injected them with poison. It does seem that not only I, but lot of other animal rights activists are not doing much for other animals because we are not killing them. This goes beyond painfully. How can you claim that ending lives of healthy sentient beings helps them? Second must used arguments for defending PETA is also stupid and illogical too PETA is not a shelter, then why in hell they take in other animals for purpose of adoption and kill them. Would you support an organization that says it wants to help homeless people but instead kills them? And would you say the same thing in their defense. One thing that can explain why PETA supporters and employers support horrifying atrocities against other animals is they are a cult led by psychopaths. No one in the right mind would propose killing healthy other animals as a way of helping them. New information, counter-arguments cannot penetrate their cult minds. Everything that contradicts what PETA's says is lie. I suggest that PETA establish a religion. They have a head start, dogma, followers who don’t like to use their brains. If they establish and religion they would have more followers and they can defend their actions by demanding respect for their religion. Defenders of PETA say that facts about PETA's killings of others animals is coming from CCF, Center for Consumer Freedom, but they ignore the fact that PETA reports to State of Virginia, from that comes their killing rates and from their own admission.
Results for 2011

Opposing no-kill shelters is another sick thing that PETA does. How can you call yourself an animal rights organization and promote killings of other sentient beings. That doesn’t make sense. PETA sent a gift basket to shelters officials for what, can you guess, because they made a decision to start killing other animals. Unfortunately for PETA and their supporters that shelter didn’t start killing, but instead they remain a no-kill shelter.

They even are oppose to feeding starving stray other sentient beings. That’s awful thing to do, to give away food that you don’t need to a starving other animals. What kind of person can do such thing? How can you help other animals by giving them food, PETA would like you to catch other sentient beings and bring them to PETA who will kill them. 
PETA rarely promotes veganism, but when they do, they do it in twisted way.
They are right to rarely promote veganism because veganism has lose ties with animals rights, it’s not like that veganism is a foundation of animal rights. PETA and other weflarist organizations send the message that if you cannot be vegan, go vegetarian. And if you cannot do that, don’t eat one animal product on Monday. And write us the check if you cannot be a vegetarian for one day, we will help the other animals. They didn’t even set bar for helping other animals, the bar keeps moving.

PETA also supports killings of other nonhuman animals.
I guess they have to advocate for killing of other animals to remain consistent with their work and ʺanimal rightsʺ philosophy of not advocating right to live for other animals. I saw a petition sometimes ago about the saving chickens by killing them with a different method. How can you save a healthy other sentient beings by ending his life, I don’t know, lot of thing that PETA and their supporters do is not sane.

For sake of other animals PETA must be gone. They are a cult led by psychopaths whose mission is to kill other animals as many as they can to satisfy their twisted urges. And they will continue their atrocities against other sentient beings as long as they are people who give them money and support them. If a PETA supporter says to you PETA has done more for the other animals than you, you can respond by saying that’s not an insult but a compliment, the best one I can get as real animal rights advocate. 

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